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Get statistics within a certain date range

Get statistics within a certain date range

Path Parameters
from date-time REQUIRED

Include all time recordings with a start date later or equal to this ISO 8601 datetime

to date-time REQUIRED

Include all time recordings with a start date earlier to this ISO 8601 datetime

Query Parameters
$top String

The max number of records.

$skip String

The number of records to skip.

$filter String

A function that must evaluate to true for a record to be returned.

$select String

Specifies a subset of properties to return. Use a comma separated list.

$orderby String

Determines what values are used to order a collection of records.

$expand String

Use to add related query data.

Header Parameters
x-instance string

The target instance for the request

x-company string

The target company for the request



from date-time OPTIONAL
to date-time OPTIONAL
jobTotals object[] OPTIONAL
id uuid OPTIONAL
no String OPTIONAL
description String OPTIONAL
totalDuration int32 OPTIONAL
billableTotals object[] OPTIONAL
nonBillableReason int32 OPTIONAL

Possible values: [0, 2, 3, 4]

totalDuration int32 OPTIONAL
totalDurationBillable int32 OPTIONAL
activityTotals object[] OPTIONAL
description String OPTIONAL
totalDuration int32 OPTIONAL