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Setup of DYCE Cockpit

This page describes how to create your own filters, how to handle filter templates and how to manage them centrally.


To manage your own filters, click on the heading My Cockpit. A dropdown menu opens, in which the view can be updated ad hoc or the filters can be managed (Manage list). In the opening page My Cockpit filters all filters of the current user are displayed. Alternatively, the page can also be accessed via the search (Alt+Q).

The page is structured as follows:

  1. Fields
  • Via Filter Preset an existing template can be selected. A template can contain all characteristics of a filter. This includes the table containing the records and the page used to display the records, as well as predefined filters (e.g. on a specific Document Type or a date filter) and thresholds with indication colors. The use of templates is optional. Thus, a Cockpit filter can also be defined manually, without using a template.
  • The Description will later be used as a heading for the cue in the Role Center.
  • Table and Page specify the location of the filtering records and the page that displays the records.
  • Clicking on the Filter flowfield opens the page where the filter criteria can be determined. Here all fields of the specified table are available.
  • If a date filter is set via Date Filter Field and Date Filter (see info box Dynamic Date Filters), this will also be displayed in the filter page. Via Date Filter Field a date field can be selected from the defined table. The value in Date Filter determines which filter value is applied to the date field. Here, both a concrete date and, above all, date formulas in connection with operators can be stored. The dateformula depends on the language set in the client and is interpreted by the filter page and by the cues in the Role Center based on the workdate.
  • The remaining fields can be used to set threshold values for the color display of the cues.
    • Low Range Style specifies the color of the cue if the value of the data in the stack is less than the value specified in the *Threshold 1** field.
    • Threshold 1 specifies the value for the stack above which the cue color changes to the color specified in the Middle Range Style field for lower values.
    • Middle Range Style specifies the color of the cue when the value of the data in the stack is greater than or equal to the value in the Threshold 1 field, but less than or equal to the value in the Threshold 2 field.
    • Threshold 2 specifies the value for the stack above which the cue color changes to the color specified in the High Range Style field for higher values.
    • High Range Style specifies the color of the cue when the value in the stack is greater than the value in the Threshold 2 field.
  1. Actions
  • A preview of the result or filtered records of the current Cockpit filter is given by Show Records. The corresponding page with the specified filters is called up.
  • Analogous to clicking on the Filter flowfield, the filter page can also be called up via Edit Filter.
  • With Copy Filter a copy of the current Cockpit filter is created. This is always useful if a filter similar to the one already created is required. The deviating filter criteria can then be set.
  • Via Move Up and Move Down the order of the filters can be changed.
Dynamic Date Filters

A dynamic date filter is always useful if the filter date is not to be specified absolutely, e.g. if the period between today and in a week is to be considered. For such cases, a dateformula can be specified, which references the workdate in the calculation. Furthermore, a dateformula can also be combined with other operators.

Example for a dynamic date filter
Workdate (see page My settings): 26.09.2021
Dateformula with operator: a..a+8D (Meaning: The interval between the workdate and the workdate + 8 days)
Result: 26.09.2021..04.10.2021

For more information about date filters and operators, see the Microsoft documentation at Using Date Formulas and Filter Criteria and Operators.


Cockpit filter templates can be accessed via the Filter Preset field (in the My Cockpit Filters page) or via search (Alt+Q, Cockpit Filter Presets page). Besides the Description of the template, the other fields are identical to those in the My Cockpit filters page. Analogous to the Cockpit filters, the presets can also be copied (Copy Preset) if required (assuming appropriate permissions). Further individual filter criteria can be added via the Edit Filter action.

In addition, experienced users or administrators (given they have the required permissions) can create new Cockpit filter templates and thus add to the list of available templates as desired. In principle, all tables of the application for which a list page exists can be used for the creation of templates. This requires appropriate knowledge of the table and page structure. The Page Inspection (see Help & Support, Inspect pages and data) can be helpful here.

To exchange filter templates with other environments (e.g. after successful testing in a sandbox), the templates can be exported or imported using the actions Export Presets and Import Presets. When exporting, an XML file is created. This XML file always contains all existing Defaults.


The Cockpit Filters Administration page, which can be accessed via the search (Alt+Q), shows the Cockpit filters of all users. The page is primarily used for central administration. In addition to the actions Show records, Edit Filter, Copy Filter and Move Up/Move Down described above, it is also possible here via Copy Filters to Users to copy one or more filters from one user to another.

Missing permissions

When the action Copy Filters to Users is executed, it is checked whether the assigned user has the required permissions to use the filter. If this is not the case, a notification is issued, but the assignment of the filter is carried out. This can be useful if the user is subsequently granted the required permissions. Otherwise the user gets a hint (in form of a notification) in his Role Center, which permissions he is missing for the execution of a Cockpit filter. The tile then shows No read permission as description and a counter of 0.


Three permission sets are included with the app:

    This permission set can be assigned to all users. It contains read-only permissions to use predefined Cockpit filters assigned to users.
    This permission set is for all users who should be able to create their own filters. However, the creation of templates is not permitted with these permissions. However, filters can be copied for yourself and for other users (via the Cockpit Filter Management page).
    This permission set is designed for Administrators and Power Users who should additionally be able to create templates.

For more information about permission sets, see this part of the Microsoft documentation.