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Incomplete time recordings

All incomplete time recordings are displayed in the page Incomplete. For a time recording to be considered complete, at least duration, description, customer, job and task (Job Task in Business Central) must be filled in. If the mentioned fields are filled the time recordings will be no longer shown in the page Incomplete.


Templates can be used to complete time recordings.

Time recordings are marked as incomplete because, among other things, the time recordings cannot be released by the project manager in Business Central / DYCE Job Billing without specifying the job task. When releasing, the project manager must also ensure that the time recordings are assigned to the correct activity (Job Planning Line).

In general, time recordings cannot be released, posted, or invoiced until they are complete.

Time recordings without a task (Business Central)

Time recordings without a task (Job Task in Business Central) are not displayed in the page Job Billing in DYCE Job Billing. For controlling purposes, you can check in the Time recording page in Business Central / DYCE Job Billing with a corresponding filter whether a Job Task has been assigned to all time recordings.