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Report Configurations

The Report Configurations can be used to make general settings that apply to all DYCE reports. These primarily relate to the position of the logo (Logo Position) and the footer. The contents for the footer can be stored for different language codes so that reports in foreign languages also output the correct contents. Several configurations can be created, which can be provided with a validity (field Valid From).

The footer itself is divided into six areas, each of which can output its own content. The content can be created or modified either by clicking in one of the fields Footer Column 1-6 or by calling the corresponding action Edit Footer Column 1-6. A window opens in which multiline text can be entered. The font size for the output is specified via the Footer Font Size (pt) field. For multi-page reports, the heading for subsequent pages can be specified via the Caption Page No. field.


To adjust the horizontal alignment of the footer's content, leading spaces can also be used in the content windows.

For illustration purposes, the result of the configuration can be checked directly via the Preview action.