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Release 16.09.2024

· 2 min read

Updates for DYCE apps available for download via AppSource

DYCE Cockpit 2024.9.0.0


  • Handling warnings

DYCE Easy Bundle Seller 2024.9.0.0


  • Extended description of bundle items does not disappear when the bundle is rolled out (IC242925)
  • Consider Bundles in Prepayments (IC240128)
  • Shipping and invoicing of bundles that consist only of Service Commitment Items (IC231511)

DYCE Essentials 2024.9.0.0


  • Compatibility with latest versions of DYCE Project Billing, DYCE Subscription & Recurring Billing and DYCE IT-Business Toolkit

DYCE Happy Texts 2024.9.0.0


  • Extended description of bundle items does not disappear when the bundle is rolled out (IC242925)

DYCE IT-Business Toolkit 2024.9.0.0


  • Consider bundles in Prepayments (IC240128)

DYCE Managed Service Providers 2024.9.0.0


  • Drop Shipment (Whse.): Invoice the Purchase Order before invoicing the Sales Order


  • Purchase Order with Drop Shipment: Receiving partial quantities (IC242861)

DYCE Price List Import 2024.9.0.0


  • Handling local currency when importing and processing price lists

DYCE Project Billing 2024.9.1.0


  • Compatibility with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 (BC24)
  • The Unit of Measure in Project Planing lines can only be changed as long as no connected time recordings exist.
  • Handling Default Task Billing Method in Projects

DYCE Subscription & Recurring Billing 2024.9.0.0


  • New publishers and access to functions/objects (IC242640)


  • Shipping and invoicing of bundles that consist only of Service Commitment Items (IC231511)
  • Reverse quantity invoiced by canceling the shipment of Service Commitment Items (IC242722)
  • Extend Contract transfers settings from contract into service object (IC242596)