Archive Time Tracking
· 5 min read
This post summarizes all release notes for DYCE Time Tracking that were published before October 2023.
Changes in version 2023.9.x
- Dashboard charts for Projects, Billable/ Non- Billable Duration, Activity and Total take into account the currently selected month when the zoom level is changed to Month.
- Display of users always shows the scroll bar.
- Billable Time Recordings and Activity are set correctly when the time recording is saved before the autocomplete could enter the Activity.
- Opening a copied time recording with start/end does not open another time recording.
- Filters for maximized lookup are applied. Closed Project Tasks are no longer displayed.
- A change in language is processed correctly on first input.
Changes in version 2023.7
- In the new page Calendar Time Recordings and Exchange appointments are displayed. Time Recordings can be created directly in the calendar and based on the appointments.
Changes in version 2023.6
- Display of the remaining budget (remaining quantity) in time recordings
Changes in version 2023.3.x
- Text in the lookup informs the user if no entries are displayed due to the filter.
- Three new time recording masks have been added. The users can choose their preferred mask.
- Three new evaluation for the Time Recordings are displayed in the Dashboard page.
- Various error corrections and usability improvements in the time recording masks.
- Any plus sign "+" in a company name will be replaced by an underscore.
- The Overview page is displayed even without Resource Person Defaults (Business Central).
- The billable duration is calculated immediately when the Activity is changed or deleted and takes the rounding from the Time & Travel model into account.
Changes in version 2023.2.x
- Removal of the length limitation (number of characters) in the description of Time Recordings
- The keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Enter and Ctrl+Shift+Enter for saving time recordings have been disabled.
Saving time recordings using the keyboard shortcuts may result in an incorrect value for Billable Duration. The error can only occur if an Activity that is not supposed to be invoiced was entered last and the time recordings were saved using one of the keyboard shortcuts. In this case the Billable Duration is not set to 0. Time recordings with a Billable Duration will be invoiced.
Changes in version 2023.1
- The desired account can be selected on login.
- In addition to Customer or Project, the display of tasks can also now be grouped by start or end date.
- The Customer, Project, Project Task and Activity lookups in Time Recording can be filtered by the assigned Tasks.
- The arrow keys can be used for navigation in the description.
- The page is automatically reloaded when changing the company.
Changes in version 2022.12.x
New Features
- Assign task to resources and use these tasks to create time recordings.
- In the date field, t can be used as a keyboard shortcut for today.
- When changing the company, the tasks are reloaded.
Changes in version 2022.11.x
- Login with different users is supported.
- When changing the project task, the activity is not deleted if it remains valid.
- Tab and Shift+Tab always navigate to the next / previous field and the autocomplete is executed.
- The activity is displayed correctly after using a template and can be edited directly.
- The Time Tracking menu item is highlighted when the page is selected.
- Improvement of error feedback for users with incomplete setup.
- If a Time Tracking environment or company has been deleted, the selection of all available clients will be displayed at the next login.
- Autocomplete in the Activity field is executed even after correcting an incorrect entry.
- On login the last used company will be defaulted to, unless it does not exist anymore.
Changes in version 2022.10
- When deleting the activity, the Project Task will not be deleted.
Changes in version 2022.9
- Templates can be saved again.
- Holidays are no longer displayed in the dashboard unless set up otherwise.
Changes in version 2022.5
- Time Recordings can be moved to days without capacity.
- Template can be selected by double-click.
Changes in version 2022.4
- Roles can be edited with one click and without selecting the user.
Changes in version 2022.3.x
- When opening a time recording via a notification, the pages scrolls to the correct position.
- Improvement of region and language detection at first login.
- Correction of the error message if the time span between start and end is smaller than the break.
- Added missing loading animation in Project Task and Activity lookup.
- Empty lines are no longer displayed in lookups.
- Customer is filled after entering the project even with very slow internet connection.
- Corrected the field length of 100 characters in categories.
- Removed a loading animation when closing a time entry on a day other than Today.