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Time recordings

The page displays your time recordings and the days of the selected week. Days with no target working time are not displayed, unless there are time recordings for these days. The time recordings are grouped by days. On the given day, the time recordings are sorted by Start. If Start is not filled, the time recordings are sorted in the order of creation. At the time recordings the ratio of the recorded time to the target working time is displayed. On the days, the duration of the time recordings is summed up and the ratio to the target working time is displayed.

Create new time recordings

Time recordings can be created in several ways:

  1. Stopwatch
    The stopwatch is called up by clicking on the Stopwatch icon on the upper right-hand side or using the keyboard shortcut Alt+S. A description can be entered in the opening box. Start the stopwatch with the corresponding action. With the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Enter the stopwatch is started directly. As soon as the stopwatch is running, it is displayed in the browser tab and next to the stopwatch. Save (Ctrl+Enter) creates a new time recording with start and end time and the entered description. Delete does not create a time recording.
  2. Create new time recording in the menu
    The big PLUS button in the page Recordings creates a new time recording for today. Start will default to the latest end.
  3. Create new time recording on the day
    In front of each day is a PLUS button. This button creates a new time recording on that day. Start will default to the latest end.
  4. Save & New
    In each time recording Save & Close or Save & New can be selected. Save & New can be found in the dropdown menu. The action saves the current time recording and creates a new one for the same day.
  5. Dashboard
    The PLUS button underlying each day of the Overview of time recordings will create a time recording for the respected day. The new time recording is immediately displayed and can be edited.
  6. Templates
    In the Templates page, templates for Time Recordings can be created and saved. The templates can be used to create or complete Time Recordings.
  7. Tasks
    The Tasks page displays all assigned tasks. Time Recordings can be created based on these tasks.
  8. Calendar
    In the Calendar page, all appointments from the Exchange Calendar will be displayed if the read permission has been granted. The appointments can be used to create Time Recordings. Alternatively, Time Recordings can be created by marking a period in the calendar. 9 Copy
    Time Recordings can be copied using the Copy action in the context menu of the Time Recordings. When copying Time Recordings that were created in Azure DevOps or Jira, the connection to the related work item or issue is not copied.

Fields in time recordings

Depending on the selected time recording mask, the following fields are potentially displayed.

  • Start
  • End
  • Description
  • Customer
  • Project
  • Project task
  • Activity
  • Duration
  • Status of time recording Time recordings are opened for editing with a single click.

The following fields are available in the input mask:

  • Start / End
    In Start a time is entered. The following entries are possible:
  • End
    End is calculated automatically when Start and Duration are entered. The input is analogous to Start.

  • Duration
    If the Start and End fields are filled in, the duration is calculated automatically. The break is subtracted from the duration.

  • Break
    Break can only be filled if start and end are filled. The input is analogous to the duration.

  • Description
    Here a 16384 characters long description of the activity can be entered (16 * 1024). Via the pencil icon in the lower right corner of the description or the keyboard shortcut Alt + O an editor for the time recording can be opened.

  • Customer
    Selecting a customer will limit the possible selection of projects. Only Projects, that use this customer as Sell-to Customer in Business Central can be selected. If there is only one project, it will be entered automatically. The selection of customers corresponds to the customers in Business Central.

  • Project
    The selection of the project restricts the selection of project tasks. Projects are created in Business Central. In the time recording mask Simple, projects are not filtered by customer because the customer cannot be selected here.

  • Project task
    Project task selection restricts the activity selection. If there is only one billable activity, it will be selected automatically. Project tasks (Project Tasks) can only be created in Business Central. Project tasks can be locked or closed for time recordings in DYCE Project Billing. Locked and closed Project tasks will not be available for selection. The sorting of Project Tasks in the lookup is based on the setup.

  • Activity
    The activity can be used to preset whether the time recording should be billed and how the Billable Duration is rounded. The activity is a combination of Project Planning Lines (Budget) and Time & Travel Model lines. The Time & Travel Model is entered in the Project Card in Business Central.

New customers, projects, project task and activities can only be created in Business Central.

Via show more additional fields can be displayed:

  • Date
    The date is automatically filled with the date of the day on which the time recording is created. t can be used as a shortcut for the current date (today). To insert weekdays and get the date of that weekday, the region and language have to be set to German - Germany or English - English (United States) |Input|Duration| |:--|:--| |Mo|Date of current weeks Monday| |Tue|Date of current weeks Tuesday| |t|current date (today)| |01|01.01.current year| |0102|01.02.current year| |01022022|01.02.2022| |01.02.2022|01.02.2022|

  • Billable Duration
    The billable duration specifies the duration to be invoiced. The billable duration can be rounded and preset by the activity. If no activity is entered, the billable duration is automatically set equal to the duration. The user can set the billable duration manually and independently of the duration.

  • Non-Billable Reason
    If the billable duration is smaller than the duration, a Non-Billable Reason is automatically entered. If the activity is entered, the Non-Billable Reason is determined from the Time & Travel Model line. If no activity is entered, the Non-Billable Reason will default to Internal.

Status of time recordings

The status is displayed in each time recording. The status Incomplete is displayed, if one or more mandatory field are not filled. By completing the information, either the icon for Billable or Not Billable is displayed. If a time recording is not to be invoiced (billable duration is 0) it is marked as Not Billable. Otherwise, it will be considered as Billable.

Budget/quantity display in time recordings

Time Recordings display the budgeted quantity of project planning lines and the amount of budget already used. This display allows you to see if and how many hours / days of the budget are still available.

By selecting an Activity, a Project Planning Lines Budget is selected. Through the Project Planning Lines Budget, both the budgeted and consumed quantity can be determined.

  • The total budgeted quantity is equal to the quantity in the selected Project Planning Lines Budget.
  • The consumed quantity is equal to the sum of the billable duration of all time recordings with status Open or Released belonging to the Project Planning Line Budget plus the sum of the quantities of all Project Planning Lines Billable, which belong to the selected Project Planning Line Budget.
    When posting Time Recordings, the quantity to be charged (quantity of Project Planning Lines Billable) can be changed. In addition, Project Planning Lines Billable can be created or the quantity increased without posting time recordings.

If no Activity is selected, the Project Planning Lines Budget cannot be determined. The display is calculated as follows:

  • The total budgeted quantity is equal to the sum of the quantity of all Project Planning Lines Budget with a Service Billing Type associated to the Project Task.
  • For the consumed quantity, the sum for the whole Project Task is also formed. Here, the calculation is applied to all Project Planning Lines Budget with a Service Billing Type (Time & Material, Budget, Fixed Price).

If there is only one Project Planning Line Budget for the Project Task, the display is identical with or without selected Activity.

The progress bar fills the closer the consumed quantity gets to the total quantity. When the total quantity is exceeded, the progress bar is proportionally colored red, if the Project Planning Line Budget has the Service Billing Type Budget or Fixed Price. In case of a 10% overrun, 10% of the bar is displayed in red. From an overrun of 100%, the bar is completely colored red.

For the Service Billing Type Time & Material, the bar is not colored because the budget is automatically increased when the time recordings are posted.

Released and posted time recordings

Time recordings are approved by the project manager in the DYCE Project Billing in Business Central. Once released, time recordings can be posted. Accordingly, time recordings may not be changed after release. They will be grayed out to show that they cannot be edited.

Simultaneous Edit

If a time recording is edited simultaneously in Business Central and DYCE Time Tracking, a message about the conflict will be displayed to the user in DYCE Time Tracking and the changes will not be saved. A similar message is displayed if the time recording is released in Business Central while the user is editing it in DYCE Time Tracking.

Time zones

DYCE Time Tracking takes the user's time zone (browser) into account. In Business Central, all Time Recordings are saved in UTC and displayed in the time zone of choice (s. My Settings - Time Zone). All users create their Time Recordings in their own time zone. The time zone is taken from the browser. No setup or conversion is necessary.

An appointment from 8:00 to 9:00 in Berlin (UTC+1) will start at different start times in different time zones.
In London (UTC), the appointment starts at 7:00 AM and ends at 8:00 AM.
In Dubai (UTC+4), the appointment starts at 11:00 AM and ends at 12:00 AM.
Users create Time Recordings in their local time zones.

All three Time Recordings are displayed in DYCE Time Tracking in the local time zones, respectively. In Business Central, the Time Recordings are displayed in the time zone that applies to Business Central. If Business Central works in UTC+1, the three Time Recordings are displayed from 8:00 to 9:00. This allows the user to create their Time Recordings for the appointment in their local time zone without having to calculate an offset. Business Central displays the Time Recordings for the appointment together according to the time zone set in Business Central.