📄️ Welcome
The DYCE Subscription & Recurring Billing app enables you to bill for contractually agreed Service Commitments on a recurring basis. The integrated flexible billing models support you and also take into account terms and notice periods.
📄️ Changelog
DYCE Subscription & Recurring Billing is updated at frequent intervals and is always compatible with current and upcoming versions of Business Central. Relevant changes are described individually in the Release Notes. To filter for a specific app, the corresponding tag can be used. It is also possible to subscribe to information on updates as an RSS feed.
📄️ Purpose
📄️ First Steps
By signing a contract, both partners assume obligations. In DYCE, these obligations are referred to as Service Commitments. Agreements with periodic billing are called Customer Contracts on the customer side and Vendor Contracts on the supplier side.
📄️ Features
Master data
🗃️ Setup
5 items
🗃️ Master data
2 items
🗃️ Sales
5 items
📄️ Purchasing
The unique purchase of items with Service Commitments is no different than that in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
🗃️ Working with contracts and service commitments
10 items
📄️ Recurring Billing
Contracts are billed via the Recurring Billing page. First a Billing Proposal is created, based on which the Posting Documents (invoices and credit memos) are created in a second step. The billing or the creation of the Billing Proposal is based on the contract lines, taking into account the Next Billing Date field (see Overview of Fields in Service Commitments/Contract Lines).
📄️ Posting Documents
Posting Documents are invoices and credit memos because these documents can be posted. When creating these documents via Recurring Billing, the system recognizes whether an invoice or a credit memo is to be created based on the amounts to be settled. If the total amount over all lines to be billed is positive, an invoice is created, otherwise a credit memo is created. This applies to both Customer Contracts and Vendor Contracts.
📄️ Bundles
Bundles can be used in Sales Quotes, Sales Orders (from here on called sales documents) and in Customer Contracts. This is an aggregation of individual components into a standalone product. In addition, formatting can be used to control what content and how that content is output on print documents. Bundles and formatting are part of the app DYCE Easy Bundle Seller, which comes with DYCE Subscription & Recurring Billing.
📄️ Controlling
Dimension Value for Customer Contracts
📄️ Pricing and Billing
The use of DYCE Subscription & Recurring Billing is billed based on usage. However, it is possible to test the full functionality for a limited time in advance. Please refer to the DYCE Subscription & Recurring Billing website for current pricing. Regardless of this, the pricing is based on the claim to make it as fair as possible. This includes, above all, only charging for the actual benefit or added value.
📄️ Glossary
The most important DYCE terms can be looked up in this glossary.