📄️ Welcome
The DYCE IT-Business Toolkit app is a collection of various features that are mainly needed in the IT industry, but are not limited to it. In addition to the features, it also includes other apps that can be used for free in conjunction with DYCE IT-Business Toolkit. These are the following apps:
📄️ Changelog
DYCE IT-Business Toolkit is updated at frequent intervals and is always compatible with current and upcoming versions of Business Central. Relevant changes are described individually in the Release Notes. To filter for a specific app, the corresponding tag can be used. It is also possible to subscribe to information on updates as an RSS feed.
📄️ Margin Calculation
In addition to the usual procedure of transferring the sales price of an item from its master data to the Sales line, it is also possible to calculate it using a percentage margin. This is often used for specific trade items (e.g. hardware) for which no sales price is available (e.g. if the items were created using Calculation Import) or the margin is more important than the absolute sales price. Basically, from a calculation perspective, the margin is one of the most important prerequisites for making a profit in a trade-oriented company.
📄️ Sales-related Procurement
In Business Central, there are several ways to create Purchase Orders for retail items. The most common are the Requisition Worksheets (from the manufacturing module) and the functionality to create Purchase Order from a Sales Order. However, if retail items are needed explicitly for a specific Sales Order, these two options fall short.
📄️ Importing Calculations
This function can be used to import calculations or configurations from a source system into a Sales Quote or Sales Order. It is irrelevant whether the source system is an internal (sales-oriented) system or the system of a vendor, for example. A universal import reads the content from a file into an import table. Alternatively, the data can also be transferred to the import table via an interface. During subsequent processing, all items that do not yet exist are created during the import as catalog items and items and the quote/order lines are created.
📄️ Payment Plan
DYCE IT-Business Toolkit has made significant changes regarding prepayments in the sales area. The terms Prepayments and Down Payments will be used interchangeably throughout the remainder of this documentation.
📄️ Setup
DYCE IT-Business Toolkit does not necessarily require any special setup. However, setups for the topics Margin Calculation and the import of calculations are possible. These are explained in the respective sections.
📄️ Pricing and Billing
The use of DYCE IT-Business Toolkit is charged as a monthly fee per user. However, in advance it is possible to test the full functionality for a limited time. Please refer to the DYCE IT-Business Toolkit website for current pricing. Regardless of this, the pricing is based on the claim to make it as fair as possible. This includes, above all, only charging for the actual benefit or added value.