📄️ Welcome
With this DYCE app, all records can be saved as Favorites. This way, you can access recently used entries with just one click.
📄️ Changelog
DYCE Record History & Favorites is updated as needed and is always compatible with current and upcoming versions of Business Central. Relevant changes are described individually in the Release Notes. To filter for a specific app, the corresponding tag can be used. It is also possible to subscribe to information on updates as an RSS feed.
📄️ Last Records
Each record in the list Last Records can be opened by clicking the number (No.) in the first column. Alternatively, a record can be opened by marking the entry and using Show record in the assist edit or drop-down menu in the header.
📄️ Favorites
Each record in the list Favorites can be opened by clicking the number (No.) in the 1st column. Alternatively, a record can be opened by marking the entry and using Show record in the assist edit or drop-down menu in the header.
📄️ Setup
There is no setup required after installing DYCE Record History & Favorites. Make sure to add at least the permission set DYCERECORDHISTORY (DYCE RHF All) to all users, which are suppose to use DYCE Record History & Favorites. If the parts do not show up in the Role Center insert them using the personalization.
📄️ Activation
The use of DYCE Record History & Favorites is free of charge. Therefore, there is no billing. However, activation is required for use. A corresponding request is included in the Role Centers. For more information, please refer to the DYCE Record History & Favorites website.