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Setup of DYCE Record History & Favorites

There is no setup required after installing DYCE Record History & Favorites. Make sure to add at least the permission set DYCERECORDHISTORY (DYCE RHF All) to all users, which are suppose to use DYCE Record History & Favorites. If the parts do not show up in the Role Center insert them using the personalization.

Maximum number of Last Records

If an administrator wants to set the number of entries in the Role Center part Last Records system-wide, the Last Records Setup page is available for this purpose. The default setting is 15 entries. If you set the number to 20, the last 20 records opened will be saved.


There are two permission sets included with the app:

    This permission set can be assigned to all users. It contains all the permissions needed to use DYCE Record History & Favorites.
    This permission set is designed for administrators and power users who should additionally be able to change the maximum number of entries in the Role Center part Last Records system-wide.
    In addition, the same permissions are also added to the D365 SETUP permission set.

For more information about permission sets, see this part of the Microsoft documentation.

Included in Role Center

The parts are available in the following Role Centers. These are the Role Centers that are activated by default.

Role Center IDProfileID Display Name
9000SHIPPING AND RECEIVING – WMSShipping and Receiving - Warehouse Management System
9006ORDER PROCESSORSales Order Processor
9008SHIPPING AND RECEIVINGShipping and Receiving - Order-by-Order
9009WAREHOUSE WORKER – WMSWarehouse Worker - Warehouse Management System
9010PRODUCTION PLANNERProduction Planner
9015PROJECT MANAGERProject Manager
9016DISPATCHERDispatcher - Customer Service
9022BUSINESS MANAGERBusiness Manager
9024SECURITY ADMINISTRATORAdministration of users, user groups and permissions
9026SALES AND RELATIONSHIP MANAGERSales and Relationship Manager
9028TEAM MEMBERTeam Member

Pages guaranteed to be included in DYCE Record History & Favorites

All Business Central and DYCE Card pages will be recorded and saved.