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Last Records

Each record in the list Last Records can be opened by clicking the number (No.) in the first column. Alternatively, a record can be opened by marking the entry and using Show record in the assist edit or drop-down menu in the header.

Refreshing records

The list of record entries is refreshed once the Role Center is refreshed / loaded. The list can be refreshed manually by using Refresh in the header drop-down menu.

Automatic deletion of records

In the default setting 15 record entries are saved. If the user opens the 16th record the oldest record entry will be deleted. If a record is deleted the entry will be deleted automatically.

Deleting record entries

Record entries can be deleted using Delete entry in the drop-down menu or the line assist edit. All records can be deleted using Delete all in the header drop-down menu.


Deleting a record entry in the list Last Records will not delete the actual record.

Adding to favorite

The Last Records entries can be used to mark a record as a favorite. For this purpose, the function Add to favorites is available in the header drop-down and line assist.


The Add to Favorites function can also be performed by using the shortcut CTRL+D.