📄️ Dashboard
The overview shows several reports. At the top of the page, a navigation menu and the totals of the time recordings in the currently selected period are displayed. Some of the reports do not work at all or not as intended if the Work-Hour Template and Base Calendar are not set in the Resource Person Defaults of the resource. All reports are calculated per resource.
📄️ Time Recordings
The page displays your time recordings and the days of the selected week. Days with no target working time are not displayed, unless there are time recordings for these days. The time recordings are grouped by days. On the given day, the time recordings are sorted by Start. If Start is not filled, the time recordings are sorted in the order of creation. At the time recordings the ratio of the recorded time to the target working time is displayed. On the days, the duration of the time recordings is summed up and the ratio to the target working time is displayed.
📄️ Calendar
The page shows Time Recordings and appointments in one calendar. Time Recordings can be created directly in the calendar and on the appointments.
📄️ Attendance
In many countries, the recording of daily working hours is required by law. Attendance tracking in DYCE Time Tracking enables all users to record the start and end of working time (duration of working time) as well as breaks. Attendance is objective, reliable and accessible. The attendance is recorded by the employees.
📄️ Tasks
The Tasks page displays all tasks that have been assigned to your resource.
📄️ Templates
Templates are the ideal tool for capturing time recordings quick and easy. Time recordings can be completed by templates or created directly from a template. Templates are displayed in the page with the same name.
📄️ Incomplete Time Recordings
All incomplete time recordings are displayed in the page Incomplete. For a time recording to be considered complete, at least duration, description, customer, project and task (Project Task in Business Central) must be filled in. If the mentioned fields are filled the time recordings will be no longer shown in the page Incomplete.
📄️ Time tracking in Jira
The creation of time recordings in Jira is basically the same as in the web app. Time recordings can be created in the tickets in Jira Service Management and the issues in Jira Software via the DYCE Fast Tracking add-in. This is also possible via the Work log tab in the Activity area. Existing time recordings can also be completed and checked here.
📄️ Time tracking in Azure DevOps
A time recording can be created in the tab DYCE Time Tracking. It is available in all types of work items. Creating a time recording in Azure DevOps does basically not differ from creating it in the web app.