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The page shows Time Recordings and appointments in one calendar. Time Recordings can be created directly in the calendar and on the appointments.


Time Recordings are always displayed in green and on the left within the respective day. If the read permission has been granted, the appointments from the Exchange calendar will be displayed. If the mouse is hovered over an appointment, it and the related time recording will be highlighted. The same happens when the mouse is hovered over the time recording.
At the top of the calendar, the day of the week and the total Time Recordings for that day are displayed. On days (incl. weekends and holidays) that are non-working according to the working time template or Base Calendar, the date and weekday are displayed in red and the calendar area is slightly gray. Time Recordings can also be created on non-working days.

The header of the page displays a number of information and options for navigation.
On the far left below the page name, the number of appointments without time recording is displayed. All day and private appointments are not counted.
In the middle, there is the navigation to select the desired calendar week. Next to the date, the arrow keys can be used to jump to any week. Clicking Today will jump back to the current week. Below this navigation the date of the currently selected week is shown. Next to it is the display option for the calendar: here you can switch between the whole week and the working week.
On the far right, the target and actual time recording of the selected week is displayed.

Create Time Recordings

Time Recordings can be created either at an appointment or by marking the desired time period in the calendar.

Create Time Recordings at appointments

Exactly one Time Recordings can be created per appointment. There are three different ways to do this:

  1. From a certain duration of an appointment, a blue plus is displayed. This can be used to create the time recording directly with one click.
  2. Alternatively, right-click on the appointment to open a context menu in which a new time recording can be created and opened with the Create time recording option.
  3. With a left click, general information about the appointment can be opened. In the small overview there is a small plus in the upper right corner, which is also used to create and open a new time recording.

The options for creating a time recording on an appointment are no longer displayed once a time recording has been created. Time Recordings cannot be created for all-day and private appointments (see above). Creation without an appointment is possible without restrictions (see below).

When creating the Time Recordings via one of these ways, the start, end and the description are taken from the appointment.

Link between time recording and appointment

If a time recording is moved to another day, it will be treated as if it no longer belonged to the appointment. The plus and the other options for creating Time Recordings will be displayed again. If the time recording is moved back to the day with the original appointment, it will belong to that appointment again.

Creating Time Recordings without an appointment

Time Recordings can also be created without an appointment. This is done by marking a period in the calendar. In the Time Recordings, the start and end are automatically filled with the times of the marked area. In the calendar can be marked in increments of 15 minutes.
By right clicking on the time recording and selecting the Duplicate Time Recording option, it can be copied. The new time recording can be dragged & dropped to the desired day and time.
If the Shift key is held down while moving (drag & drop) the time recording, the original time recording will be copied and not moved.

Edit and delete Time Recordings

The fields and their functions in the Time Recordings mask do not differ between the Time Recordings page and the calendar.

Time Recordings can be opened in the following ways:

  • Click on the status icon
  • Double-click
  • Right-click and Edit Time Recordings
  • Left-click and click on the clock icon
Move Time Recordings

If the Time Recordings are moved by Drag & Drop, the start and end are automatically reset. The billable duration will not be recalculated because neither duration nor Activity will change.

Time Recordings can be deleted in the following ways:

  • Right click and Delete Time Recordings
  • Left click and click on the delete icon
  • Remove key on the keyboard

Released Time Recordings cannot be edited or moved.

If an appointment is moved or deleted, the Time Recordings will not change. It will neither be moved nor deleted.


Appointments are read exclusively from the Exchange calendar. They are not saved and cannot be edited or moved.

The color representation of the appointments depends on the type:

Working elsewhereTurquoise
TentativeGray-Purple hatched
With reservationhatched