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Setup of DYCE Managed Service Providers

DYCE Managed Service Providers requires some settings, which are described below.


To use Warehouse Shipment with partial shipments, a Location with Require Shipment=YES must be used. Sales lines with a Location, that specifies Warehouse Shipment as required, can only be shipped via Warehouse Shipment lines.
In addition, the default location for non-inventory items can be set up in the Non-Inventory Location field on the Warehouse Setup page. This overwrites the value from the customer for non-inventory items in Sales Quotes and Orders.

Purchasing Codes

To be able to use Drop Shipments in Warehouse Shipments, the Drop Shipment=NO and Drop Shipment (Whse.)=YES indicators must be set. Both fields can be edited in the Purchasing Codes (and the Sales lines).

Require Shipment

Partial shipments from Sales Orders are mapped using Warehouse Shipments. For a Warehouse Shipment to be created, a Location Code with Require Shipment=YES must be used.


In principle, no additional permission sets are required. However, the following permission set is included with the app:

  • DYCEMSPALL (DYCE Managed Service Providers)
    This permission set can be assigned to all users. It only contains the permissions required to use DYCE Managed Service Providers.

Further information on permission sets can be found in this part of the Microsoft documentation.