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Import Price List

In the Import Price List page, price lists can be imported and processed. All imported lines are displayed and can be edited before further processing. The purchase and unit prices in Catalog items and items are updated with the Process Price List action.


Importing a price list can be done only if no lines exist in the Import Price List page. Process and delete existing lines before importing new ones. The Import action in the menu opens a page for selecting the Data Exchange Definitions and the import file. Confirming the selection imports the selected price list with the filters and fixed values and displays all imported lines.

Process price list

The Process Price List action processes all displayed lines and creates Catalog Items. After a line has been successfully processed, the Catalog Item Created field is set to YES, the date and time are entered in Processed on, and the executing user is documented in Processed by. If Delete lines after processing is checked, all successfully processed lines are automatically deleted. In Price List Valid From the date from which the purchase prices are valid can be entered. The date from Price List Valid From will be used in all lines where Valid From is not filled.

Creating and updating Catalog Items

In the Catalog Item, there is information about the suppliers, cost costs, minimum quantities, etc. in the lines and the Manufacturer Code and Manufacturer Item No. fields in the header. If a Catalog Item with the same Manufacturer Code and Manufacturer Item No. is found when processing a line, it will be updated. Otherwise, a new Catalog Item will be created.

If there is already a line in the Catalog Item with the same Vendor No., Vendor Item No., Minimum Quantity, Currency Code and Unit, it will be terminated on the validity date of the new line. For this purpose, a Valid To date is entered in the corresponding line and a new line is created with the values of the current imports. On the basis of the old and new line, price developments can be traced.

The sales price is updated in the Catalog Item card during processing.

Creating Catalog Items as batch processing

The Create Item action creates items for all selected Catalog Items. In the list, it is possible to create several items at once by selecting several Catalog Items before calling up the action. Only one item is created when the action is called up from the Catalog Item card.

Updating items

When an item is created from a Catalog Item, the lines from the Catalog Item are copied to the purchase prices of the item. At the next import, when the Catalog Item is updated, the purchase prices on the related item are also updated. The unit price is updated in the Item card during processing.

Supplier reference for usage data

Provided that the app DYCE Usage Based Billing is installed, it is possible to import supplier references that are required for the subsequent processing of usage data. In the IT industry this is especially interesting for importing price lists of Microsoft CSP/NCE items. Both price lists from Microsoft (for Microsoft Tier 1 partners) and from distributors (for Microsoft Tier 2 partners) can be processed. The unique supplier reference, which is important for the subsequent processing of usage data, is either imported as a whole or assembled from several parts.

Data Exchange Definitions

If the value Import Price List is selected for a Data Exchange Definition in the Type field, the Create Supplier Reference and Supplier Reference Separator fields are visible in the General fast tab. These fields are used to control whether and how a reference is created. As column separators Colon and Hyphen are available for selection.

Visibility of fields

In addition, the Supplier Reference and Supplier Reference Part 1-7 fields are available in the Import Price List page. Both the fields in the Data Exchange Definitions and those in the Import Price List page are only visible if the DYCE Usage Based Billing app is installed.

Using the Supplier Reference and Supplier Reference Part 1-7 fields, you can either import a complete unique reference for an item or assemble it using multiple parts.

Sequence of the fields

If the reference is to be generated, the sequence of the parts is determined on the basis of the fields Supplier reference part 1-7. The fields are filled according to the Data Exchange Definitions (in the fast tab Column Definition).

Catalog item

If a supplier reference exists or is created during processing, no Manufacturer Item No. is required. The rest of the processing does not differ from that for importing price lists without a supplier reference. The only difference is that in addition to Manufacturer Item No., Supplier Reference is also a criterion for whether a new catalog item is created or an existing one is updated.
In addition, the Supplier Reference is also visible in the price information (fast tab Lines) within a catalog item.


When creating an item based on a catalog item, additional vendor references are created for each vendor linked to a Usage Data Supplier. This linking is done via the Vendor Name field on the usage data supplier.

Missing link

References for vendors are only created for those Usage Data Suppliers that are linked to a vendor.