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Projects & People

The Projects page is the homepage of the Planning section. It provides an overview of the existing projects and their chronological order.


The main part of the screen is divided into the following three areas:

  • Action bar
    The user can filter and search for projects and create new projects here. The date range of the timeline can be scrolled through, taking into account the zoom level. The print dialog can export the project list and the timeline. The whole page can also be refreshed here. Project list
    The overview shows the names of the projects including logo, customer and project details. Projects can be edited, copied or deleted via the context menu. Timelines
    The project period (depending on the zoom level) is displayed for each project.
Maximize display area

The sidebar can be minimized using the arrow symbol at the top to enlarge the display area. The minimized sidebar only displays the icons. It can be expanded again in the same way.

The Filter allows you to restrict the project list using predefined criteria. For the selection Customer, one or more customers can be selected from the entirety of all customers. The same applies to the Status, whereby this can be set in the respective Project details.
For Favorite and Tentative there is the option to include or exclude them. Both criteria are also displayed in the project list in the form of an icon. The Tentative indicator can also be set in the Project details. All set filters are displayed to the right of the button.

Search enables a free text search within the projects.

A new project can be created via NEW, the Project details page opens automatically.

Further on the right-hand side, the arrow buttons to the right and left of Today can be used to scroll through the date range displayed below, depending on the zoom level (+/-) set, which can be adjusted using the magnifying glass symbols. Next to this are the Print and Refresh page functions.

Project list

The projects are displayed here, taking into account the set filters. For visual differentiation, the optional project logos are displayed to the left of the project name. The name of the customer and the project period are displayed below. Click on the project to open the project plan.
A question mark (?) indicates that this project has been marked as Tentative (project-details). A star marks it as a Favorite. Both criteria can be used to filter the project list.
Via the context menu, the selection Edit opens the Project details. The selection Copy creates a copy of the project, Delete removes it.

Templates for projects

A template project can be created for projects with a similar structure, which can then be used to quickly create project plans for similar customer projects. This template project can be copied if required.


To the right of the projects, the temporal extent of the projects (depending on the zoom level) is displayed.


The People page shows all the people resources of the related Business Central company and their utilization. Here too, the main part of the screen is divided into the following three areas:

  • Action bar
    The user can filter and search for people here and specify the maximum number of resources to be loaded. Tentative projects can optionally be taken into account in the workload and the workload display can be switched. The date range of the workload (see below) can be scrolled through, taking into account the zoom level. The page can also be refreshed here. Person list
    The overview shows the names of the people, their resource group (team) and their skills.
  • Utilization
    The availability or workload (depending on the zoom level) is displayed for each person.


For the selection Available, the fine red line describes the person's capacity per period, with absences and public holidays already deducted. Below the red line, the green area shows tasks for which the person is already planned. If the planned tasks for a period exceed the capacity (and therefore also the red line), the area is displayed in red. When you move the cursor over an area, further details such as the number of planned time units (depending on the zoom level) are displayed.

If the display is to show the workload instead of the availability, the view in the action bar must be switched to Utilization. The number of planned time units (depending on the zoom level) is now displayed for each person, combined with the same color indication (see above). Absences appear in gray. In addition, the planned tasks for each person can be expanded using the triangular arrow menu. Persons without planned tasks are marked with a dot instead of the arrow menu.

Maximize display area

The sidebar can be minimized using the arrow symbol at the top to enlarge the display area. The minimized sidebar only displays the icons. It can be expanded again in the same way.