Credit Memos and cancellation
Time Recordings that have already been posted cannot be edited. In order to correct a posted Time Recording, it has to be cancelled. In the case of cancelling a Time Recording, a distinction must be made as to whether the related Job Planning Line has already been invoiced. If it has been invoiced, the cancellation can only be performed in the posted Sales Invoice and a Credit Memo must be created.
When cancelling, the cancelled budget flows back into the Job Task and, if applicable, the Sales Line.
Cancellation of unbilled services
If an unposted Sales Invoice has been created for the Job Planning Line, it must be deleted before the cancellation is performed. Time Recordings that have not been invoiced can be cancelled in Job Billing and via the Job Planning Line. A Time Recording cannot be cancelled if the Job Task is in the Closed Status.
Call from Job Billing
Select the Job Task for which the Time Recording was posted. The action Cancel Service can be called up in the context menu. Alternatively, the action can be called up in the menu in the Process menu item. The action opens the Cancel Service page.
Call from Job Planning Line
Select the billable Job Planning Line for which the Time Recording has been posted and call the Cancel Service action. The action is included in the menu under More options / Actions / Functions. It also opens the Cancel Service page.
The related Job Task and Job Planning Line are displayed in the Time Recording.
Service cancellation
The page is divided into Job Planning Lines (Budget) (top) and Time Recordings (bottom). All Time Recordings that are related to a Job Planning Lines will be displayed in bold format when the Job Planning Line is highlighted.
From the menu, the Hide Job Planning Lines and Hide Time Recordings actions can be used to change the view of the page. The Filter Job Ledger Entries by Job Planning Line (On/Off) action can be used to filter to the Time Recordings for the selected Job Planning Line.
The Cancel Selected Planning Lines action cancels the entire Job Planning Line and all related Time Recordings. The Quantity in the Job Planning Line is reduced to 0. The link between the Time Recordings and the Job Ledger entries is released. The Status of the Time Recordings is set to Open.
The Cancel Selected Time Recordings action can be used to cancel individually selected Time Recordings. For this purpose, the Cancel flag can be set in the Time Recordings fast tab. This indicator marks a Time Recording so that it is cancelled with Cancel Selected Time Recordings.
When Cancel is set, the Quantity to Cancel is set in the related Job Planning Line. The Billable Duration is used in this case for calculating the value. The value cannot be edited in non-billed Job Planning Lines. If in Time & Travel Model a rounding for the Job Planning Line is stored, this will also be applied when cancelling. If the last Time Recording for a Job Planning Line is cancelled, the complete Job Planning Line will be cancelled.
When the Cancel Selected Time Recordings action is executed, the quantity in the Job Planning Line is reduced by the Quantity to Cancel. The cancelled Time Recordings can be edited again.
Cancellation of invoiced services
Once a service has been invoiced, it or the associated Time Recordings can be cancelled via the posted Sales Invoice. To do this, navigate to the posted Sales Invoice and call Cancel Service action in the Correct menu item. The Cancel Service page will open.
When called from the posted Sales Invoice, the page behaves differently in a few ways than when called from the Job Billing or Job Planning Line.
- No Rounding
When cancelling invoiced Time Recordings, the rounding from the Time and Travel Model is not taken into account. If a Time Recording is marked as to be cancelled, the Billable Duration will be added to the Quantity to Cancel without rounding. - Quantity to Cancel editable
The cancelled line item will be added to a Credit Memo with the Quantity to Cancel. To be able to influence the quantity in the Credit Memo, the Quantity to Cancel can be edited. - Creating a Credit Memo
The service or Time Recording has already been invoiced. Accordingly, a Credit Memo must be created. When performing the cancellation, a new Job Planning Line with a negative quantity is automatically created, which is transferred to a Credit Memo.
Create Credit Memo
The Job Planning Line with negative quantity must be posted using a Credit Memo. As long as the Credit Memo is not posted, no further invoice can be issued for the Job Task. The Credit Memo can be created directly in the Cancel Service page. For this purpose, a query opens after the cancellation. In this page, the Posting and Document Date can be entered for a new Credit Memo or the cancellation can be added to an existing Credit Memo. Cancel action does not create a Credit Memo.
To subsequently create a Credit Memo, the Cancel Service action can be invoked again from the invoice. The action detects the Job Planning Line with negative quantity that does not belong to any document yet and offers to create a Credit Memo again. Alternatively, the Cancel Service action can be called directly from the negative Job Planning Line to create a Credit Memo.
Correct, Cancel and Create Corrective Credit Memo
Besides Cancel Service the actions Correct, Cancel and Create Corrective Credit Memo can be used to cancel and credit services and time recordings.
When using the action, the invoice is completely credited and can be invoiced again. However, this is only possible if the Job Tasks status is not Closed and the invoice has neither been paid nor already partially credited. The process differs slightly between invoices with and without a reference to a sales order.
With Sales Order
The functionality from Dynamics 365 Business Central Standard is retained. All credited items are available in the sales order and can therefore be shipped and invoiced again. Customer Ledger Entries are applied, Job Planning Lines are created, and the Credit Memo will be posted. All services and time recordings are cancelled and can be re-released and posted.
Without Sales Order
The services and time recordings are directly re-posted and transferred to a new unposted sales invoice.
If the posted invoice has already been partially cancelled (e.g. via Cancel Service), the action Correct can no longer be called.
If this action is used, the invoice will be credited fully and can be invoiced again. It makes no difference whether the invoice was created with or without a reference to a sales order.
All credited items are available in the sales order or Job Task (Job Planning Line) again. They can be shipped and invoiced again. Customer Ledger Entries are applied, Job Planning Lines are created, and the Credit Memo is posted. All services and time recordings have been cancelled and can be re-released and posted.
If the posted invoice has already been partially cancelled (e.g. via Cancel Service), the action Cancel can no longer be called.
Create Corrective Credit Memo
If the posted sales invoice contains one or more services, a dialog will give two options. The user can choose whether a Corrective Credit Memo (no changes) will be created or whether to cancel the services and time recordings. If the services and time Recordings are to be cancelled and credited, the Cancel Service page is opened (see above).