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The most important DYCE terms can be looked up in this glossary.


  • Accrual type
    Indicates whether the Prepaid Service qualifies as one-time or recurring.


  • Balance line
    Represents consumption which will be deducted from the respective Prepaid Service.


  • Consumption
    Specifies the Entry Type in the Ledger Entries which is used for consuming Prepaid Services.


  • Deferral account
    Specifies the G/L account to which the revenues from Prepaid Service item are posted initially.
  • Dissolution
    Specifies the Entry Type in the Ledger Entries which is created for expired Prepaid Service Ledger Entries.


  • Expire Residuals
    Functionality that resolves all expired Prepaid Service Ledger Entries.
  • Expired
    Indicates expired Prepaid Service Ledger Entries.
  • Entry type
    Indicates the type of Prepaid Service Ledger Entries.


  • General Journal Template Dissolution
    Specifies the default journal template for dissolving of expired Prepaid Service Ledger Entries.
  • General Journal Batch Dissolution
    Specifies the default journal batch for dissolving of expired Prepaid Service Ledger Entries.
  • Gen. Prod. Posting Group Deferrals
    Specifies the deferral account that will be used for deferring revenues from Prepaid Service items.


  • Ledger Entries
    Represents the history of all transaction posted against a Prepaid Service.


  • Negative Adjustment
    Specifies the Entry Type in the Ledger Entries that will be used to either cancel a recharge invoice or manually create a Prepaid Service Ledger Entry.


  • Outstanding Amount
    Specifies the current balance of a Prepaid Service.
  • One-time
    Indicates one of two possible categories of a Prepaid Service (s. Accrual type). Here a Prepaid Service item is used to sell a one-time budget (via Sales Documents) in advance and post it as a credit to a specific (customer related) Prepaid Service.


  • Periodic
    Indicates one of two possible categories of a Prepaid Service (s. Accrual type). Here a Prepaid Service item is used to sell a budget recurringly (via Customer Contracts) and post it as a credit to a specific (customer related) Prepaid Service.
  • Positive Adjustment
    Specifies the Entry Type in the Ledger Entries which is used to either top up or manually create a Prepaid Service Ledger Entry.
  • Prepaid Service
    Represents a place where budgets paid for in advance are collected and summed up.
  • Prepaid Service Item
    An item so identified is used for selling budgets in advance.


  • Source Document
    Indicates by which document the Ledger Entries is created.
  • Statement
    A (print) report that shows the detailed overview of Prepaid Service Ledger Entries.


  • Topping up
    Adding credit for later consumption to a specific Prepaid Service.