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Extension of Service Commitments

Since DYCE Usage Based Billing is an extension of DYCE Subscription & Recurring Billing, only the differences are discussed here. For more information on Service Commitments and how to set them up, please see this part of the DYCE documentation.

Service Commitment Templates

Since Service Commitment Templates can be optionally created, the additional fields are explained within the Service Commitment Packages.

Service Commitment Packages

Both Service Commitment Templates and Service Commitment Package lines can be used to create defaults that are necessary for subsequent processing of usage data.

  • Via Usage Based Billing, it is specified that the Service Commitments arising from this package line are generally billed based on the underlying usage. This is done in the form of usage data that is imported and processed. Therefore, the field of the same name in the Service Commitment is used to determine the Service Object. The Usage Based Pricing is only relevant on the sales side and is decisive for the subsequent billing towards the customers. On the purchasing side, the (purchase) prices from the usage data are used for the contract invoices on the vendor or supplier side.
  • The Usage Based Pricing field defines how the prices are determined. The following options are available for this purpose:
    • If Usage Based Billing is set, but the Usage Based Pricing field is blank, no pricing is determined for the related usage data.
    • Usage Quantity
      This option is used when the customer is charges for the actual used quantity. This can be per billing period, for example, licenses (software), consumption minutes (car sharing) or the number of transactions. The sales price (per unit) is determined on the basis of the related item, depending on the quantity.
    • Fixed Quantity
      With this option, the original quantity remains fixed when the usage data is imported. Thus, the Customer will always be charged for the quantity entered in the Service Object. An adjustment of the quantities based on the usage data does not take place. This pricing thus serves the flat-rate billing of Service Commitments, which, however, only takes place if usage data is actually available.
    • Unit Cost Surcharge
      With the option Unit Cost Surcharge the imported consumption quantity is also disregarded. However, the unit cost plus the specified surcharge is passed on to the customer. This option is usually used for consumption-based (or volume-based) billing. In this case, all unit costs belonging to the subscription are added up and the surcharge is then calculated on the total.
    • Consumption Quantity
      This pricing option also leaves the quantity in the Service Object unaffected. However, there is no aggregation of all usage data to one single Service Commitment (as with the Unit Cost Surcharge option). Here, too, the sales price (per unit) is determined on a quantity-dependent basis using the related item.
  • If you select the Unit Cost Surcharge option in the Usage Based Pricing field, the percentage value for the surcharge is stored in Pricing Unit Cost Surcharge %. For all other options this field is not editable.