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Prepaid Service Items

Marking an item as a Prepaid Service can be done using the field of the same name on the Item card (in the General fast tab).
An item can be marked as such if the following conditions are met:

  • the item is not inventory-managed (Type in the General fast tab is set to Non-Inventory),
  • it is not a item that includes Service Commitments (Billing Type in the Prices & Sales fast tab is set to empty - see DYCE Project Billing) and
  • Service Commitment Option (in Prices & Sales fast tab - see DYCE Subscription & Recurring Billing) is set to either Service Commitment Item or Sales without Service Commitments.
One-Time and Recurring Prepaid Services

Items with Service Commitment Option=Sales without Service Commitments and therefore without assigned Service Commitment Package are used for one-time recharge of a Prepaid Service. Charging is done e.g. by invoicing the sales order.

Items with Service Commitment Option=Service Commitment Item and related Service Commitment Package are used for recurring recharge of a Prepaid Service. The Prepaid Service No. is transferred from the Sales Line to the Service Commitment. For manually created Service Objects, the number can be entered manually in the Service Commitment. Charging of the respective Prepaid Service is done by posting the contract invoice.


Items set as Prepaid Service can be used to top up Prepaid Services. Either Sales documents or Customer Contracts are available for this purpose.
Charging via a sales document (usually a Sales Order) is a one-time transaction. In this case, the revenues are handled as some kind of prepayment and therefore initially deferred. Customer Contracts, on the other hand, charge a Prepaid Service on a recurring basis, whereby the revenues here - as with other contracts - can also be initially deferred. In both cases, a subsequent utilization results in the transfer of the respective amount to the corresponding revenue account. Further details on the deferrals and posting to deferral accounts are explained in more detail here.